What can you do when the best things in life trigger strong negative emotions?

In August of 2015, Steve and I began exploring the idea of living together, getting married and creating clarity around our 8+ year relationship.  We like to call this the honeymoon phase! There were a lot of reasons we had not done this before; children we did not want to put together in the same … Continue reading What can you do when the best things in life trigger strong negative emotions?

If you suffer from loneliness; you are not alone — The first 3 steps to help you reconnect today!

“Our time has been called the “age of loneliness.” It’s estimated that one in five Americans suffers from persistent loneliness, and while we’re more connected than ever before, social media may actually be exacerbating the problem. ” The Huffington Post: “Why Loneliness is a growing health concern and what we can do about it” by Carolyn … Continue reading If you suffer from loneliness; you are not alone — The first 3 steps to help you reconnect today!

I can honestly say that Strengths Coaching has had a significant impact on our relationship.

In 2005 my wife and I took the StrengthsFinder Assessment on our own. We shared 3 strengths in our top 5. They were Intellection, Connectedness, and Individualization. I can honestly say that although the results were interesting, it didn’t really mean all that much to us. Now, ten years later, having gone through a couple … Continue reading I can honestly say that Strengths Coaching has had a significant impact on our relationship.

Men would rather feel alone and unloved than inadequate and disrespected

This is the conclusion of co-authors Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn in their book:  For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men Women, on the other hand,  want to feel loved more than any other emotion.  When women feel unloved they tend to internalize their emotions and react by crying … Continue reading Men would rather feel alone and unloved than inadequate and disrespected